Life unfolds in chapters, each marked by significant events that shape our character and destiny. For me, there are five distinct times that have directly…
Tone it down. That phrase almost changed my life. It could have erased my future and my future businesses. I’m grateful that someone else had…
Each adventure is unique and filled with amazing opportunities.” ~ Jacqueline Ruiz I have been an author for over fourteen years and about the same…
Maya Angelou might have said it best. “I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver.” There is a…
I love love love quotes. I love the impact they can have in a short amount of time. I love the quick motivation they provide…
8 Secrets to Land on Your Dreams Ever since I earned my pilot’s license, my perspective of dreams has shifted considerably, but how is the…
7 Ways to Start Today We often hear “find your passion and you will never work a day in your life,” but how do you…
Real estate ownership is a common ambition, the concept getting even more appealing when it concerns a heavenly location. In 2020 we managed to acquire…
It was 2020 and I was on a mission. I set my sights on being selected for the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI). It’s an…
The evening of Monday, August 22, was a magical night. Jackie Camacho Ruiz, CEO of JJR Marketing and Fig Factor Media, stood on the stage…